Search results for time

BMTimeFormatter screenshot


November 14, 2013 • BSD License
provides a custom NSFormatter for values representing a time in seconds with precision 1milli second. Format: [-]<hh>:<mm>:<ss>.<millis> Examples: 03:04:17.183 -01:20:59.444 U...
VMDInstrumenter screenshot


November 09, 2013 • BSD License
A simple Objective-C singleton to instrument, trace, and suppress selectors at runtime. Sometimes you need to debug a 3rd party library but you don't have access to the source code, and sometimes y...
MZTimerLabel screenshot


November 09, 2013 • MIT License
MZTimerLabel is a UILabel subclass, which is a handy way to use UILabel as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like that in Apple Clock App with just 2 lines of code. MZTimerLabel also provides del...
TTCounterLabel screenshot


November 05, 2013 • MIT License
A custom UILabel that acts as a time counter, counting up or down and formatting the string to hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Designed to accept a value in milliseconds that is then disp...
FOTWindow screenshot


October 27, 2013 • BSD License
A NSWindow subclass that makes auto hiding and showing the title bar (à la QuickTime X) a lot easier, and allows for a custom title bar drawing block.
7blur screenshot


October 15, 2013 • MIT License
iOS 7 introduces a new efficient snapshot API. The 7blur project builds on these frameworks to produce Control Center and Notification Center like blur effects enforcing the 3rd design pattern of d...
KKProgressTimer screenshot


September 25, 2013 • MIT License
Simple Circle Progress Indicator If you want to use CocoaPods, Please paste line to Podfile. ``` pod 'KKProgressTimer', :git => '' ```
MSCTimeSpanPicker screenshot


August 05, 2013 • MIT License
Picker for selecting a time span using native UIPickerView. It's customizable using UIAppearance, brings it's own delegate for efficient and fast integration in exisiting projects and uses ARC.
ios-realtimeblur screenshot


July 18, 2013 • MIT License
Real-time blur view, like in iOS 7
FB-Gallery screenshot


May 11, 2013 • BSD License
An implementation of Facebook's photo browser
MBCalendarKit screenshot


May 07, 2013 • MIT License
MBCalendarKit is a calendar control written in UIKit. I've found existing implementations to be inadequate and difficult to work with, so I rolled my own. MBCalendarKit supports iOS 7+, and work...
LBReadingTime screenshot


April 02, 2013 • MIT License
UITextView category to compute the total reading time or remaining reading time + UITextView indicator's panel showing the remaing reading time.
TimesSquare screenshot


February 05, 2013 • Apache 2.0 License
TimesSquare is a library to display a calendar in a view in your iPhone or iPad app. We wrote it after searching high and low for a better way and finding none.
CircularTimer screenshot


January 28, 2013 • MIT License
CircularTimer is a class that creates a custom circular timer, showing the percentage completed between two dates.
MDCScrollBarLabel screenshot


November 14, 2012 • MIT License
An animated scroll bar to present extra information to be used when scrolling on a UIScrollView. Y'know, like the clock on Path.
SEHumanizedTimeDiff screenshot


March 09, 2012 • MIT License
An NSDate category to have humanly meaningful time intervals since todays date.
TimeScroller screenshot


December 29, 2011 • MIT License
A UI Element that hovers beside the scroll bar of a UITableView (Mimicking the Path app).
ClockView screenshot


July 20, 2011 • MIT License
ClockView is s simple class that will simulate an analog (or wall like) clock. ClockView makes use of various CALayers so it needs CoreAnimation (add QuartzCore.framework)