Search results for ipod

HTTInputDial screenshot


May 06, 2016 • BSD License
HTTInputDial is circular input dial for iPhone apps. It is good for having an easy to use iPod click wheel style interface. It is used in the Unplugged app.
SDiPhoneVersion screenshot


October 05, 2014 • MIT License
Objective-C library for detecting running device model and screen size. With the newer  devices, developers have more work to do. This library simplifies their job by allowing them to get infor...
DAAnisotropicImage screenshot


July 08, 2012 • MIT License
DAAnisotropicImage is an anisotropic UIImage generator. Specifically, for a metallic slider knob. It was built to be an imitation of the volume slider thumb image in Apple's iOS 6.0 Music app.
MusicPlayerViewController screenshot


July 05, 2012 • BSD License
An iPhone view controller to visualize and control music playback. (Editor's note: we blurred out the album cover used here in order to prevent the wrath of certain litigious entities from being tu...
CPSlider screenshot


June 09, 2012 • MIT License
CPSlider is a drop-in, subclass replacement for UISlider that allows varying scrubbing speeds as the user drags away from the slider thumb, emulating the slider used in the iOS iPod music player. I...
JGMediaPicker screenshot


January 02, 2012 • MIT License
For everyone who has pulled their hair out trying to use MPMediaPickerController! This is a replacement library for MPMediaPickerController. It provides a user interface that is much closer to t...
APSplitViewController screenshot


May 17, 2011 • Unspecified License
Custom UISplitViewController for iPad. Features: it always keeps both sides visible; it's always launched in the Portrait but it's rotated to any direction properly; each side contains UINavigation...
JSFavStarControl screenshot


May 13, 2011 • Unspecified License
Resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app.
TapKu Coverflow screenshot

TapKu Coverflow

January 04, 2011 • Apache 2.0 License
A Coverflow replacement built entirely with public APIs!