A picture representing cbpowell


SQTShyNavigationBar screenshot


October 03, 2014 • MIT License
A shrinking (shy) navigation bar that automatically adjusts as a user scrolls, with customizable full and "shy" heights.The goal is to be as robust as possible, smoothly handling the trickier edge ...
CPSlider screenshot


June 09, 2012 • MIT License
CPSlider is a drop-in, subclass replacement for UISlider that allows varying scrubbing speeds as the user drags away from the slider thumb, emulating the slider used in the iOS iPod music player. I...
CPPickerView screenshot


March 26, 2012 • MIT License
A custom, configurable, horizontal version of UIPickerView (based on the spinning-wheel or slot-machine metaphor), with an included table cell implementation. Originally intended for condensing the...
MarqueeLabel screenshot


April 10, 2011 • MIT License
A functionally equivalent replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect for text longer than the available area.