2 images
Collection of native ios extensions and classes to boost development process.
- [x] OpenCV: Hough correction, feature extraction, image processing package, morphological processing, filter processing, photo restoration, etc.
- [x] NSArray: Related processing of the elements in the array, etc.
- [x] NSDate: Time transformation, etc.
- [x] UIButton: Emitter animation, image and text mixing, click event encapsulation, expanded click field, time interval limit, countdown, click particle effect, etc.
- [x] UIView: Gesture package, rounded corner gradient, Xib attribute, basic animation package, etc.
- [x] UITextView: Expand the input box, limit the number of words, cancel processing, get the internal hyperlink of the text, etc.
- [x] UITextField: Placeholder color, line, graphic processing, etc.
- [x] UILabel: Rich text, fast display text position, etc.
- [x] UIImage: Screenshot and cropping, image compression, mask processing, image stitching, image size processing, filter rendering, flooding algorithm, etc.
- [x] UIImage: QR code, barcode generation, dynamic image playback, watermark processing, etc.
- [x] NSObject: GCD, asynchronous timer, resident thread, thread keep alive, runtime methods, etc.
- [x] NSString: Hash crypto, mathematical operators, unit conversion, etc.
- [x] Other: Gradient slider, Open screen particle animation, projection and shadow, etc.