6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

KSPasswordField screenshot


November 20, 2012 • BSD License
An easy-to-hook-up "Show password" checkbox, and automatically trims whitespace when pasting or dragging passwords.
ADBGridView screenshot


November 18, 2012 • BSD License
ADBGridView inherits from UITableView and is populated with ADBImageViews (repository). Number of images for row (cells) can be customized. UITableView is inherited to use cell reuse facility.
ADBIndexedTableView screenshot


November 16, 2012 • BSD License
Indexed UITableView using first letter objects property. ADBIndexedTableView uses Objective-C runtime, introspection and message forwarding.
OBMenuBarWindow screenshot


November 09, 2012 • BSD License
OBMenuBarWindow is an NSWindow subclass that can be attached to an icon the menu bar or dragged away to become a regular window.
TISpringLoadedView screenshot


November 07, 2012 • BSD License
Some UIView subclasses which behave as though they're attached to a spring
ADClusterMapView screenshot


November 05, 2012 • BSD License
ADClusterMapView is a drop-in subclass of MKMapView that displays and animate clusters of annotations. This is very useful in cases where you have to display many annotations on the map.
JHWaveform screenshot


October 30, 2012 • BSD License
An NSView subclass that draws a waveform overview. The view provides an optional ruler, grid and allows selection. JHWaveformView is able to graph any float* array, and a subclass, JHAudioPreviewVi...
Survey 0.2 : Simple iOS Form Creation and Management screenshot

Survey 0.2 : Simple iOS Form Creation and Management

October 25, 2012 • BSD License
Survey is a lightweight library for creating forms for iOS, inspired by Django forms and Core Data
HHPanningTableViewCell - Swipe to reveal screenshot

HHPanningTableViewCell - Swipe to reveal

October 22, 2012 • BSD License
HHPanningTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell implementing "swipe to reveal" a drawer view. Such a view typically holds action buttons applying to the current row. This behavior is seen in a numbe...
HHTabListController - Vertical tab view controller screenshot

HHTabListController - Vertical tab view controller

October 22, 2012 • BSD License
HHTabListController is an implementation of a tab controller where tabs are listed in a table view hidden behind the active view controller. The list of tabs may be revealed using a swipe gestur...
PAPasscode screenshot


October 21, 2012 • BSD License
PAPasscode is a standalone view controller for iOS to allow a user to set, enter or change a passcode. It's designed to mimic the behaviour in Settings.app while still allowing some customization. ...
MMFlowView screenshot


October 14, 2012 • BSD License
MMFlowView is a class designed to support the "CoverFlow" effect and it is intended to use in a similar way like IKImageBrowserView. It supports all the image types (URLs, NSImage, Icons, QuartzCom...
MTImageMapView screenshot


October 11, 2012 • BSD License
MTImageView is a simple UIImageView written entirely in CoreGraphics and GCD to handle touches on complex polygon maps. It is able to display very complex polygon maps such as US states, and ac...
MMTabBarControl screenshot


October 04, 2012 • BSD License
A modernized, now view based, re-write of good old cell based PSMTabBarControl. Uses blocks and view animations. Compatible with OSX 10.6.x-10.8.x. Needs Xcode 4 to compile. New Styles 'Card' and '...
TKAssignToContact screenshot


October 02, 2012 • BSD License
This controller lets you change pictures of people in your contacts.
MGBox2  screenshot


September 28, 2012 • BSD License
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more. Designed for rapid table and grid creation with minimal code, using blocks based design patterns. The layout engine supports padding, margins, zInde...
No image provided.


September 23, 2012 • BSD License
A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X 10.7
HSV Color Picker screenshot

HSV Color Picker

September 20, 2012 • BSD License
A HSV Color Picker control and a sample view controller as an example on how to user it. You can use the controller as-is in your own projects, or you could use the KZColorPicker control instead. T...
OpenAL Sound Engine screenshot

OpenAL Sound Engine

September 19, 2012 • BSD License
An OpenAL based sound engine that allows you to play one background audio track, and multiple simultaneous sound effects.
DEFacebookComposeViewController screenshot


September 16, 2012 • BSD License
DEFacebookComposeViewController is an iOS 4 compatible compose view controller for posting picture and message on user wall. Looks like the Facebook Sheet in iOS 6.