Weekly Roundup

Aaron Brethorst, November 05, 2012

Hello, and welcome to our weekly roundup! We kicked off this last week with a talk on Apple’s UIAutomation framework, and how to get started with automated UI testing for your iOS apps. If you missed the talk, you can either catch it here, or catch a repeat of the talk later this week! We’ll be announcing a specific date and time soon.

All the best,


Our control of the week, REComposeViewController, was created by Roman Efimov, an iOS and Ruby developer in Chicago. It replicates the functionality of SLComposeViewController introduced in iOS 6.0. You can create composers for any social network out there. REComposeViewController doesn’t provide logic for sharing, only its visual part.

MIT licensed.

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A/B Split Testing Controls + Framework

iOS Library for performing remotely controlled and monitored A/B Split Tests in your iOS App.

Provides UIButton controls for split-testing button text and button background image.

Also provides a generic mechanism for testing String values which can be used to control any messaging or behaviour.

MIT licensed.

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An NSView subclass that draws a waveform overview. The view provides an optional ruler, grid and allows selection. JHWaveformView is able to graph any float* array, and a subclass, JHAudioPreviewView, attaches to an AVPlayer object and renders an overview of that player’s asset, allows you to seek on the asset through the view, and renders the playhead position on the view.

BSD licensed.

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User + Screen Recording iOS SDK allows you to capture the screen, record the tester’s face, voice, input and touch events, and export as a single video to your camera roll.

Commercial licensed.

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Very fast autocompletion UITableView based controller – Fire it, set the data source and delegate and you’re good to go.

MIT licensed.

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A simple UIButton subclass with a linear gradient. The button also supplies an optional in-view activity indicator.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Simple UIView subclass for easy UITextFields and UITextViews navigation.

MIT licensed.

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