Weekly Roundup: Just Do What's Right

Aaron Brethorst, June 15, 2014

The Apple of 2014 is clearly not the same company that it once was. Tim Cook said back in 2011 that Steve Jobs' last words of advice for him were, "never ask what [Steve] would do, just do what's right." The modern Apple is a company that is ruthless about reinventing itself. It releases lower margin products that cannibalize sales of higher margin cash cows. It creates expansive redesigns of its most popular software that no one ever asked for. It's moving agressively to replace the third most popular programming language on TIOBE's index. Ironically, that is a sizable part of the legacy Steve Jobs left behind: if it's the right thing to do, don't be afraid to throw away what I made. It's exactly what Steve would've done.


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Weekly Roundup



UIButton with Wire / Border style. It looks good for iOS7 as Flat Design

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Category which allows to show and customize a badge on every object which inherits from UIView.

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Stretchable header view + Horizontal swipable tab view

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ICGTransitionAnimation is a library to customize transition animation in iOS 7.

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(WIP) - Finding there are some boiler plate setup stuff for working with Estimote's iOS SDK. To make life easier, created some ways to avoid all the boiler plate setup. Contributors welcome!

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A scrollable page control for those rare cases when UIPageControl won't fit screen width.

I just love UIPageControl, don’t you? It’s simple and intuitive. It does not get any more "native" than this since Apple has used it in SpringBoard for ages. UIPageControl is the perfect choice when you have a fullscreen UIScrollView (UICollectionView) with pagingEnabled and you want to encourage your users to “swipe to see more.”

DAPageControlView gives your users the exact same experience they get from UIPageControl, and something more. While UIPageControl is a winner for static data, DAPageControlView might be a better choice for cases when you fetch your data from a server in chunks and/or do not know the total number of items. DAPageControlView is scrollable and applies the "perspective" effect to dots on the right and/or on the left if neccessary. If all the dots fit the screen, DAPageControlView behaves exactly like UIPageControl. Also there is an option to make the rightmost dot "blink" to let the user know that more items are loading.

Also there is an option to make the rightmost dot "blink" to let the user know that more items are loading.

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Brings Lato font to iOS.

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A UINavigationController delegate that allows swipe back gesture to be started from anywhere on the screen (not just from the left edge).

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This is a simple side menu for iOS. Includes Blur background, callbacks using blocks & supports delegate patterns as well. Based on the UITableView, this menu provides a simple approach of creating a side menu for iOS apps. Simple to use, easy to understand.

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Custom UILabel subclass which allows gradient coloured backgrounds.

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It tries to reproduce the behaviour that you can find on Twitter iPhone app, profile section, when the user scrolls down that section, the header is expanded and blurred.

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