Weekly Roundup

Aaron Brethorst, September 24, 2012

Happy iPhone 5 and iOS 6, everyone! When I haven’t been drooling over my new screen or LTE I’ve been hard at work rolling out a bunch of new, cool features on the site, like the new iPhone and iPad-compatible UI. Check it out and let us know if you have any feedback!



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Our control of the week this week is PSCollectionView, by Peter Shih. It’s a Pinterest style scroll view designed to be used similar to a UITableView. MIT licensed.

Find out more, or check it out on YouTube first:

OpenAL Sound Engine

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An OpenAL based sound engine that allows you to play one background audio track, and multiple simultaneous sound effects.

BSD licensed.

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HSV Color Picker

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A HSV Color Picker control and a sample view controller as an example on how to user it. You can use the controller as-is in your own projects, or you could use the KZColorPicker control instead. The control uses the standard target-action mechanism (via the UIControlEventValueChanged event).

BSD licensed.

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This ViewController add automatically add iAD and ADMob to the screen and with AddedChildView, viewController resize childview.view.frame depends on the ads size.

MIT licensed.

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A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X 10.7. BSD licensed.

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A UIView to appear along the iOS default keyboard. It manages also ROTATION when keyboard is present. For iOS4+

The UIKeyboardCoView is totally CUSTOMIZABLE. Just add one UIKeyboardCoView in your XIB and put anything you need inside it :)

To know how to manage rotation, please check the Readme in the download webpage

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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