Weekly Roundup

Aaron Brethorst, March 09, 2013

Hi everyone, and welcome to our weekly roundup! In case you missed it, on Friday, we published a great guest post on iOS animations from Jayson Lane, the author of Static, which was our first-ever app of the week. Jayson wrote about the ’why’s’ and the ’how’s’ of incorporating subtle animations into your iOS app. I highly recommend checking it out! Also, we’re always looking for more guest bloggers, so please let us know if you’re interested in having something published on our blog.

All the best,

App of the Week: Bondsy


Bondsy is a gorgeous-looking free app for buying, selling, giving, and getting stuff from your friends. Its clean design is well-served by its use of the extremely popular control, HMSegmentedControl, which mimics the look and feel of Google Currents’ segmented control.

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Controls of the Week

As occasionally happens, we had so many fantastic controls published this week that it was impossible for me to pick just one to highlight. So, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to HCPushBackAnimation and SVPulsingAnnotationView.



Demo of push back animation to display a modal view controller.

MIT licensed.

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A customizable MKUserLocationView replica for your iOS app.

ISC licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



JKSMoviePlayerController is a controller and associated view for easily adding user-controlled playback of videos to AppKit based applications using the AVFoundation framework, with a modern looking controlview.
It’s inspired, in spirit, by MPMovieController found in the iOS SDK.

BSD licensed.

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Navigation Menu

Navigation Menu

Navigation Menu is an Objective-C component which adds the ability to show menu from the navigation bar.
Inspired by Vkontakte app.

License unspecified.

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PSUpdateApp is a simple method to notify users that a new version of your iOS app is available.

MIT licensed.

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iOS Image View with transition effect between images.

More info at:


BSD licensed.

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A photo picker offering ‘use last photo taken’, ‘take photo’, and ‘choose from library’.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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An NSScrollView subclass that supports pull-to-refresh both in the top and bottom edges. The intended usage is for hosting a timeline-like view that shows a list of messages in reverse-chronological order.

BSD licensed.

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Control that allows easy creation of different check and radio list components.

More info at:

BSD licensed.

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iOS UIView with dashed or solid line border. Including both round corner and straight line views.

More info at:

License unspecified.

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iOS Text Label With Effect.

More info at:


BSD licensed.

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RMSkinnedView is a subclass of NSView which provides the ability to define background pattern image or background color and corner radius directly in the Interface Builder.

It this is a great way to accelerate the development of beautiful custom User Interfaces. Use it as the foundation for your Cocoa Controls!

BSD licensed.

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UITextField subclass that allows number input in a predefined format.

MIT licensed.

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ITSidebar is a very lightweight control for Mac OS X similar to the one of Sparrow.

Custom licensed.

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NMPaginator is a simple Objective-C class that handles pagination for you.

It makes it easy to display results from API webservices that take page and per_page parameters.

Custom licensed.

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The StyledChatDemo is a chat bubble demonstration project inspired by the open source Adium.The demo adapted the Adium’s Renkoo message style,supported dynamically changing the style variant.

MIT licensed.

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UIPicker with custom background

UIPicker with custom background

A simple example of adding a custom background to a UIPicker row based on the value of the row. Good for designating: hi, med, low or hot, warm, cold type of values.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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ADGraphView is an iOS drop-in class that displays graph with scroll and zoom abilities.

MIT licensed.

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Sliding view with customizable cover background. Hidden view may be an ImageView or a button. Contains a protocol definition for open and close event management.

MIT licensed.

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Custom Activity Indicator View with a simple image animation. Use it to substitute the default UIActivityIndicator. Simple and light usage.

MIT licensed.

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MBPullDownController, an iOS container view controller for pullable scroll view interfaces.

MBPullDownController accepts two view controllers, which it presents one above the other. The front view controller is configured to accept a pull interaction which it utilizes to show or hide back view controller.

MIT licensed.

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Awesome TableView Category for Drag and Pull.

MIT licensed.

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This class enables animated hide/show static cells (created in IB, using the option Content : Static cells) for UITableView

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Drag Menu you can easily open and close using drag gesture.

UzysDragMenu features:

  • Very easy to customize menu view , you can use interface builder.

  • You can choose drag area (superView or MenuView), using Option : isSuperViewGesture

  • Support Both ARC and non-ARC Project

MIT licensed.

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The TDRatingScale is similar to regular UISlider except that it has some best custom graphics which is more intuitive.The purpose of this custom slider is to provide mechanism for getting input from the user that represents a range from the UI point of view, this control provides a best enhancements and highly customizable UI components that can be easily matched to any graphic theme,Its a complete package of custom entity.

Public Domain licensed.

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A low profile activity indicator. Works great in tableviews. Customize the image to get a color you perfer.

MIT licensed.

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An Objective-C wrapper for GitHub Status API based on AFNetworking.

MIT licensed.

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  • Description:
    An extensible game template of RPG with Location Based Service.

    Characters in game are distributed in the real world. You’ll find & catch different characters in different cities, or even countries.

    The game template allows you to load the third-party resources (e.g. PokéMon related resource) to define your own characters, including the name, appearance, etc. Make any classic game resources as you can, and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

  • Demo:
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otiBQnwdt0U
    YouKu: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDA1MjExMDg4.html

  • Download on the App Store:

MIT licensed.

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Autocomplete view attachable to any UITextField. Ships with Google Maps items source and sample cell factory. Can be configured to autocomplete from any source, supports custom cell factory for advanced look customizations. Auto fits all available space, works on iPad and iPhone, supports all orientations

BSD licensed.

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Fjapps Store View Controller

Fjapps Store View Controller

This control allows you to search the App Store for specific Apps and display them within your App. Unlike default SKStoreViewController, it allows customization of navigation bar title and App Filtering.

Public Domain licensed.

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A fully customizable UITabBar replacement for tab bars with five or more tabs.

M13InfiniteTabBar was created to get rid of the “More” button on the UITabBar. Why should have to preform an extra two taps to get to the tab I want. M13InfiniteTabBar puts all the tabs on one level, in an intuitive, stylized manner. I’ve been using this in my app, “What’s My Stage On?” since August 2012, and have decided to clean it up, and turn it into an easy to use subclass for everyone.

MIT licensed.

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A UITableViewController subclass that provides a zoom effect as cells appear for the first time (similar in style to Google+ iPhone app)

MIT licensed.

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ADPopupView is an iOS drop-in class that displays a popup at a custom point in your view.

It automatically draws itself according to its current position and parent view bounds.

ADPopupView provides a customization mechanism and supports two styles

  • popup with text
  • popup with custom view

MIT licensed.

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