Weekly Roundup, 01/02/12

Aaron Brethorst, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year, and happy birthday to Cocoa Controls! The site was launched on January 3, 2011, and has grown beyond my wildest expectations from a year ago. Thank you so much for showing up, using the controls you find here, submitting new content, and just generally being the most awesome community I could possibly hope for.

Here’s to a terrific 2012!



SBStackedBarChart, from Scott Bossak, displays a stacked bar chart either horizontally or vertically.

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ZUUIRevealController is a Facebook-inspired custom iOS UIViewController-Container. It lets you have a UIViewController on top of another. The rear view can be revealed either by slowly panning the finger across the front view’s UINavigationBar, by quickly flicking it left or right or simply by tapping the ‘Reveal’ button.

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or check it out on YouTube


My selection for control of the week, TimeScroller for iOS lets you declutter your UI by moving posted times out of your table cells and onto a snazzy clock overlay. As always it’s great to see the iOS developer community taking these fantastic new UI paradigms and making them available to everyone.

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ESSVideoShare from Matthias Gansrigler is a cool project for OS X that lets you easily share videos from your apps on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr. Also, I just want to say thanks to Matthias for his patience in the amount of time it took for me to publish his control :)

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JBAsyncImageView for iOS, from Jesse Bunch, is a feature-rich UIImageView subclass that lets you to load an image from a remote URL asynchronously. Unlike most async loading UIImageViews, it offers you some cool features like activity indicators during the download process.

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SBLayoutManager, from Steve Breen, is a (you guessed it!) layout manager that can simplify some common scenarios in iOS UI layouts, like repositioning views below a variable-height label.

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