Weekly Roundup: "No Sleep til Dub-Dub"

Aaron Brethorst, April 06, 2014

WWDC's dates were officially announced this week, and (thankfully!) the seemingly arbitrary system of the past for allocating tickets based upon whether you happened to wake up at the right time has been replaced with a far more fair lottery system. Last year I made a bingo card for the week's announcements, and my predictions were generally pretty good, although I am really bummed out that iOS 7 didn't include any nods towards cross-process communication.

I think we'll be getting our first look at iOS 8, OS X 10.10, but it doesn't take a crystal ball to make those predictions. I think what's more interesting will be what don't see. $600 million in sapphire production? No mention. iPhone 6? Nuh-uh. iWatch? Hah, not a chance. Apple TV with an open SDK? ... My fingers are crossed on this one, but Apple's been taking its sweet time and I have no idea when we might actually see this. 2014 makes sense for a number of reasons, but we'll just have to wait and see.

What do you think is in the pipeline for this year's WWDC?


What We're Reading

Control of the Week



Visualize touches, pans and long presses on your iPhone or iPad

MIT licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



A simple UIView sublass for displaying a series of tags.

MIT licensed.

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A drop-in full screen photo viewer for iOS with zoom, SUPER easy to use, just one line of code. It has the "zoom the rest of the app away effect" It works with any UIImageView, just laying around, in a table, in a cell in a custom made carousel, everywhere! Whats the "EX" for? it is for EXTRA AWESOME!!!

To use just do:

[EXPhotoViewer showImageFrom:anImageView];

and Voila! the rest is just MAGIC! (actually just a bunch of code)

MIT licensed.

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LPLjubljanaCarParksFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to car parks in Ljubljana.


MIT licensed.

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LPGoogleFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to certain Google API functions.

MIT licensed.

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LPBicikeljStationsFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to BicikeLJ http://www.bicikelj.si/

MIT licensed.

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Dates and times made easy in Objective-C

MIT licensed.

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A minimal progress indicator for iOS with status update support. Displays above UINavigationBar and below the Status Bar

MIT licensed.

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A grid overlay for iOS apps. Use this during the development of your app to help align your interface to a grid, and easily spot layout issues. It will overlay every view in your app, but not interfere with interaction, so you can still move around.

MIT licensed.

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SHLineGraphView is a simple and efficient reusable UIView subview which you can use to create line graphs. It uses Core Graphics and Core Animation to create the light weight graphs. it is easy to use/understand and completely customizable.

MIT licensed.

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RSReadingBoard is a ZAKER alike news/article reading board for iOS7 and demonstrates how to use Auto Layout. For iPhone only UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait is supported and for iPad UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown is supported.

MIT licensed.

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A* Algorithm

A* Algorithm

A Star algorithm implementation for iOS

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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