Search results for gpu

YUDisplacementTransition screenshot


February 15, 2019 • MIT License
A GPU accelerated transition library which makes use of displacement maps to create distortion effects.
AKGPushAnimator screenshot


May 18, 2017 • MIT License
Easily Push and Pop Viewcontroller like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook Apps with Interaction
YGPulseView screenshot


December 26, 2016 • MIT License
YGPulseView is Objective-C Category for making pulsing animation with UIView
AGPullView screenshot


November 04, 2016 • MIT License
A view, that can be used for showing your content above some other view by pulling it with touch. (ex. UITableView with your content above UIMapView)
GPUberView screenshot


February 21, 2015 • MIT License
Summon Uber from your app with 2 lines of code.
Smerk screenshot


February 01, 2014 • MIT License
Smerk is designed to make implementing either Face Detection or QR Code/Bar Code/Machine Readable Code detection incredibly simple.
No image provided.


January 22, 2014 • MIT License
OpenGL based transition for iOS. The YUGLTransition is a library that lets you create GPU-based transition to UIView and UIViewController. It uses GPUImage for the rendering part. There're...
NBUKit screenshot


May 21, 2013 • Apache 2.0 License
Customizable camera, assets, image editing, gallery, picker and UIKit subclasses
ZGPullDragTableView screenshot


March 07, 2013 • MIT License
Awesome TableView Category for Drag and Pull.
GPUImage screenshot


July 29, 2012 • Custom License
It's a framework that filters still images and video using openGL 2.0 filters. Similar to the XBImageFilters. There are already a ton of filters written for GPUImage including edge detection, lot...