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Even for moderately complex apps, it soon becomes clear that having a single storyboard file for everything gets unmanageable pretty quickly. As a solution, we can have multiple storyboards and instantiate view controllers manually, yet not having to write code to perform transitions is pretty great.

The best of both worlds would be to have segues that can cross storyboard boundaries. Xcode 7 (announced at WWDC 2015) allows just that, but it seems likely that this feature will be limited to iOS 9.

If you still need to support iOS 7+, fret not, because now there is Cutaway. The goals for this project are:

  • The storyboard is the source of truth: all information for segue destinations is available in the storyboard file itself.
  • No segue subclassing: any segue type can link to a different storyboard (including embed segues, which can't be subclassed).
  • No child view controllers: the destination view controller you get in a segue is exactly what you expected, not wrapped by any container.
  • Transparently support unwind segues.

Cutaway achieves these, and while not 100% future-proof (it uses method swizzling in the UIStoryboard class), it tries to do this in the least intrusive way possible. Once you're ready to migrate to iOS 9 exclusively, all you need to do is replace the placeholder view controllers with native storyboard references and reconnect your segues.
