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SwiftPriorityQueue is a pure Swift (no Cocoa) implementation of a generic priority queue data structure, appropriate for use on both iOS and OS X projects. It features a straightforward interface and can be used with any type that implements Comparable. It utilizes comparisons between elements rather than separate numeric priorities to determine order.
Internally, SwiftPriorityQueue uses a classic binary heap, resulting in O(lg n) pushes and pops. It includes in-source documentation, an A* based example maze solving program, and unit tests are in progress (pull requests are welcome for unit tests especially).
- Easy-to-use method interface
- Small, self contained, pure Swift code base
- Classic binary heap implementation with O(lg n) pushes and pops
- Iterable through standard Swift for...in loops (implements SequenceType and GeneratorType)
- In-source documentation
- A fun maze solving A* based example program