Stay in touch
March 25, 2014 • BSD License
ADLivelyCollectionView brings custom animations to UICollectionView.
The library comes with pre-defined animations. They are here mainly for demo purposes and we encourage you design your own, i...
March 15, 2014 • BSD License
Convenient popover without own background. Take your viewcontroller and do show it above your interface
March 09, 2014 • BSD License
The MSSlidingPanelController is a library which allows to easily integrate in your iOS 7 project a sliding panel mechanism.
It is able to manage two panels which can be configured separatly. Eit...
January 27, 2014 • BSD License
HTTP library for iOS 5+ and Mac OS X 10.7+, based on NSURLConnection
January 25, 2014 • BSD License
Versatile solution for displaying widget menus. Easily adjustable with custom layouts and/or animations.
January 25, 2014 • BSD License
A simple category to use static UITableViewCells without having to use storyboards.
January 14, 2014 • BSD License
When you're working on a new app, sometimes it's easier to start with dummy views and slowly replace them as you implement their functionality. Rather than use a simple UIView for this, PAPlacehold...
January 01, 2014 • BSD License
A library for building Null Objects in Objective-C.
Null Object is an object with defined neutral ("null") behavior.
December 03, 2013 • BSD License
Sphchatbubble to use in chat screens.
This project is an attempt to create the experience of chat bubbles with image , time and avatar support.
1. You can customize as per you...
November 16, 2013 • BSD License
UIAlertView replacement that can embed custom content views, is fully themable and let's you use a delegate and/or blocks.
No image provided.
November 13, 2013 • BSD License
MZCroppableView is a subclass of UIView that helps in irregular image cropping.
November 09, 2013 • BSD License
A simple Objective-C singleton to instrument, trace, and suppress selectors at runtime. Sometimes you need to debug a 3rd party library but you don't have access to the source code, and sometimes y...
October 30, 2013 • BSD License
An interactive, and customisable, clock component for iOS projects
October 28, 2013 • BSD License
Pronounced “Super Ogress” (as in a female Ogre who is also a super-hero), SuProgress is a utlitity library to show a iOS-7-Safari-style progress bar under the UINavigationBar for your app.
October 08, 2013 • BSD License
EQ visualizer
Is an animated EQ visualizer that can be used for audio ios applications.
How to use:
PCSEQVisualizer* eq = [[PCSEQVisualizer alloc]initWithNumberOfBars:20]; [self.view addSu...
September 16, 2013 • BSD License
iOS based utility for conveniently generating resizable UIImage code