6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

LEffectLabel screenshot


March 05, 2013 • BSD License
iOS Text Label With Effect. More info at: http://lukagabric.com/effect-label-using-cagradientlayer-and-caanimation/
LFilterView screenshot


March 04, 2013 • BSD License
Control that allows easy creation of different check and radio list components. More info at: http://lukagabric.com/lfilterview-ios-checkbox-and-radio-control
RefreshableScrollView screenshot


March 04, 2013 • BSD License
An NSScrollView subclass that supports pull-to-refresh both in the top and bottom edges. The intended usage is for hosting a timeline-like view that shows a list of messages in reverse-chronologica...
LTransitionImageView screenshot


March 03, 2013 • BSD License
iOS Image View with transition effect between images. More info at: http://lukagabric.com/ltransitionimageview-ios-image-view-with-transition-animation/
FSExtendedAlertKit screenshot


March 02, 2013 • BSD License
Simple replacement for UIAlertView and UIActionSheet with block callbacks, and quick access to alerts with UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView subviews.
AJRNutritionController screenshot


February 18, 2013 • BSD License
A nutritional information view that mimics the look of a physical nutrition label. Simply initialize the control, set the nutritional data, and present. Includes a nice animation when presented a...
MNMRemoteImageView screenshot


February 14, 2013 • BSD License
`MNMRemoteImageView` is a simple drop-in replacement for `UIImageView` that asynchronously shows an image downloaded from an URL. You can use the control as a regular `UIImageView`.
F3Stepper screenshot


February 08, 2013 • BSD License
"Flipping" value stepper, similar to the font size selection controls found in iWorks and elsewhere. Easily wired into existing applications using IB and normal control events. Features customi...
AAMFeedback screenshot


February 08, 2013 • BSD License
Library that you can add Feedback form in your app on the fly. AAMFeedback provides an issue selector and automatically embeds device type, OS, and app info.
UIBAlertView screenshot


February 06, 2013 • BSD License
Basic UIAlertView functionality with block callback. Enjoy :] http://stavash.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/quick-tip-uialertview-with-a-block-callback/
action-sheet-blocks screenshot


February 04, 2013 • BSD License
Category of `UIActionSheet` that offers a completion handler to listen to interaction. This avoids the need of the implementation of the delegate pattern.
WHMessageActivities screenshot


February 03, 2013 • BSD License
UIActivity is an awesome API for sharing content with built-in iOS services. It's really easy to share via email and text message with the built-in activities, but for one really fatal flaw: Apple'...
alert-blocks screenshot


February 02, 2013 • BSD License
Category of `UIAlertView` that offers a completion handler to listen to interaction. This avoids the need of the implementation of the delegate pattern.
AGImageChecker screenshot


January 19, 2013 • BSD License
Light library to visually check your app images. AGImageChecker is a lightweight iOS library that helps developers to find problems in their used images. It detects when images are smaller or ...
ActionSheetPicker screenshot


January 17, 2013 • BSD License
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
SCPageScrubberBar screenshot


January 09, 2013 • BSD License
SCPageScrubberBar is a page scrubber bar like ibooks. SCPageScrubberBar works with iOS5.0+ and ARC.
PBEmojiLabel screenshot


January 06, 2013 • BSD License
This is a UILabel category which allows you to insert Emojis you use in Campfire, GitHub, Basecamp, Turntable.fm, Teambox, Trac and Flowdock without the need to calculate where to insert some UIIma...
MLTableAlert screenshot


December 29, 2012 • BSD License
A block-based UIAlertView replacement which allows you to show table view in alerts for fast selection. It supports ARC and is compatible with iOS SDK 5.0 or later. It's completely based on UIViews...
Transit.in.ua Data Model and Loader screenshot

Transit.in.ua Data Model and Loader

December 25, 2012 • BSD License
Model and API Loader realization for transit.in.ua website. Using its methods you can load GPS coordinates of minibuses on the route. Project includes demo application and testing code.
NLImageShowcase screenshot


December 23, 2012 • BSD License
ImageShowcase is a UIView subclass. It can be easily integrated to any application and almost everything is customizable to fit into any App.Some of its features are, Customizable layout with confi...