6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

PermissionsKit screenshot


October 29, 2018 • MIT License
The convenience wrapper on macOS permissions API, including Mojave Full Disk Access.
No image provided.


July 27, 2018 • MIT License
A property list editor for macOS, similar to Xcode's.
LOpenPanelWithFilter screenshot


March 11, 2017 • MIT License
This open panel with filter. You can use this Panel set filter easily, when your app support too many types of files.
SwiftLoggly screenshot


March 10, 2017 • MIT License
Simple way to logging with rich feature framework in Swift.
SYFlatButton screenshot


December 01, 2016 • MIT License
A customized NSButton with modern flat style like bootstrap.
ScreenToLayers screenshot


September 24, 2016 • MIT License
macOS app to capture your screen as a layered PSD file
AppIconAutoMaker screenshot


August 22, 2016 • MIT License
Create icons for apple products(ios, Apple Watch, Mac etc.) automatically.
KSNavigationController screenshot


August 06, 2016 • MIT License
Looking for macOS (Mac OS X) analog of UIKit's UINavigationController from iOS? This class mimics its behavior.
EndlessTableView screenshot


June 25, 2016 • MIT License
Endless - Infinite & Double Table Together Parallax Animation & Auto Scrolling
ViperCode screenshot


June 23, 2016 • MIT License
A simple OS X App for generating VIPER modules's skeleton to use them in your Objective-C/Swift projects.
Distributed Notifications screenshot

Distributed Notifications

May 23, 2016 • MIT License
Distributed Notifications using Core Foundation API: CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter. One daemon is a LaunchAgent daemon, who runs as an Agent in OS X status bar. The second daemon i...
GUIActivityIndicatorView screenshot


May 20, 2016 • MIT License
GUIActivityIndicatorView is a CoreAnimation based activity indicator view that mimics the GMail app's
CubicBezier screenshot


February 19, 2016 • MIT License
CubicBezier Generator for Mac
CleanHeaders-Xcode screenshot


October 26, 2015 • MIT License
A simple iSort like header sorting and duplicate removal plugin for Xcode
XQuit screenshot


September 19, 2015 • MIT License
XCode plugin allowing to not quit Xcode instantly / awkwardly
PFSystemKit screenshot


August 09, 2015 • MIT License
OS X (and - partially - iOS) framework for getting software and hardware informations (such as CPU vendor, RAM size, device model and serial, …) at runtime. Relies on IOKit and SysCtl, as well as o...
No image provided.


July 17, 2015 • MIT License
Spotify library importer into Apple Music
DYSwitchXDemo screenshot


July 12, 2015 • MIT License
DYSwitchX is a iOS UISwitch like for Mac OS X
No image provided.

Xcode Logger

July 03, 2015 • MIT License
Xcode Logger is a fast (up to *35x times faster than NSLog), very simple to use, flexible library which provides scheme-based, customizable and colorful (using the Xcode Colors plugin) NSLog replac...
JMModalOverlay screenshot


June 23, 2015 • MIT License
Create easily and display an animated modal overlay with custom content above a window