6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

PHFParallaxBackgroundCell screenshot


January 21, 2015 • MIT License
Framework with animate background cell to create a parallax effect with remote or local images. Each cell can be a different offset.
Panoramic screenshot


January 20, 2015 • MIT License
Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
BubbleControl-Swift screenshot


January 16, 2015 • MIT License
a bubble control highly inspired from facebook chat heads. written in swift
GPaperTrans screenshot


January 16, 2015 • MIT License
Yet another UICollectionView layout transitions inspired by Facebook Paper App written in Swift.
PullToRefreshSwift screenshot


January 16, 2015 • MIT License
iOS simple cool PullToRefresh Library.
SwiftKeyboard screenshot


January 13, 2015 • Custom License
Keyboard that lets you write whole phrases in Swift
SwiftControllerTransitionExample screenshot


January 12, 2015 • Apache 2.0 License
view controller transition example with Swift
VMFloatLabel (Swift) screenshot

VMFloatLabel (Swift)

January 12, 2015 • MIT License
Swift based UITextField subclass with floating labels
GDWebViewController screenshot


January 09, 2015 • MIT License
A simple view controller for navigating web pages using WKWebView. - A browser-like view controller to support web pages navigation in your Swift app. - Supports back-forward navigation and pag...
No image provided.


January 08, 2015 • MIT License
iOS Slide Menu based on iQON, Feedly, Google+, Ameba iPhone app.
RAReorderableLayout screenshot


January 08, 2015 • MIT License
A UICollectionView layout which you can move items with drag and drop.
PulsingLayer screenshot


January 06, 2015 • MIT License
Adds a customizable CALayer halo effect to any arbitrary UIView. Completely written in Swift.
RAMPaperSwitch screenshot


January 06, 2015 • MIT License
RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on.
FloatLabelFields screenshot


January 06, 2015 • MIT License
Text entry controls which contain a built-in title/label so that you don't have to add a separate title for each field. FloatLabelFields is the Swift implementation of a UX pattern that has come...
MABCardsView (Swift) screenshot

MABCardsView (Swift)

January 05, 2015 • MIT License
A Swift port for https://github.com/zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView
RAMAnimatedTabBarController screenshot


January 04, 2015 • MIT License
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
ReorderableGridView (Swift) screenshot

ReorderableGridView (Swift)

December 27, 2014 • MIT License
Reorderable grid view solution implemented with Swift. It's a UIScrollView subclass, not a collection view layout.
NSURL Validation screenshot

NSURL Validation

December 26, 2014 • MIT License
This is a Swift extension of NSURL that will take a provided String and validate it for both proper format and that it is an accessible url. It is asynchronous and returns the response and formatte...
MaterialKit screenshot


December 24, 2014 • MIT License
Material design components (inspired by Google Material Design) for iOS written in Swift
CCMRadarView screenshot


December 23, 2014 • Apache 2.0 License
CCMRadarView uses the IBDesignable tools to make an easy customizable radar view with animation