6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

FrameGen screenshot


February 02, 2024 • MIT License
FrameGen is a powerful application designed to streamline the process of creating xcarchive files from your xcodeproj projects. With an intuitive user interface and a wide range of functional capab...
QRCodeGenerator screenshot


February 01, 2024 • MIT License
Menu application for macOS that generates a QR code for any URL in the pasteboard
MBToastMac screenshot


January 21, 2024 • MIT License
MBToastMac: Simple. Efficient. Toasts for macOS. Crafted with Swift. Enhance user interactions. No frills. Just performance.
Practice-Swift screenshot


May 10, 2022 • MIT License
Run swift without code completion, ideal for practicing online coding challenges without auto-complete. Many online coding environments do not have code completion. To better prepare for such case...
Mocka screenshot


March 03, 2022 • MIT License
Mocka — A Mock Server Made for Developers by Developers, made in Swift ❤️
SwiftUIPhone screenshot


January 29, 2022 • MIT License
An iPhone Simulator "Wrapper" for SwiftUI Apps on macOS
WelcomeWindow screenshot


January 05, 2021 • MIT License
Welcome screen modeled after the 'Welcome to Xcode' window, written in SwiftUI
xls2Localize screenshot


September 13, 2020 • Apache 2.0 License
MacOS application to convert xls Files into localize(Android, iOS)
is-camera-on screenshot


June 15, 2020 • MIT License
Check if the built-in Mac camera is on.
CustomButton screenshot


June 14, 2020 • MIT License
Customizable button for your macOS app.
macos-wallpaper screenshot


June 13, 2020 • MIT License
Manage the desktop wallpaper on macOS.
LaunchAtLogin screenshot


June 11, 2020 • MIT License
Add "Launch at Login" functionality to your sandboxed macOS app in seconds.
Preferences screenshot


June 10, 2020 • MIT License
Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes. The panes can be made with either SwiftUI, Storyboard, or NSView.
DockProgress screenshot


June 10, 2020 • MIT License
Show progress in your app's Dock icon. Includes multiple styles.
CircularProgress screenshot


June 09, 2020 • MIT License
Circular progress indicator for your macOS app.
KeyboardShortcuts screenshot


May 29, 2020 • MIT License
Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts to your macOS app in minutes
DTOnboarding screenshot


May 26, 2020 • MIT License
A macOS onboarding component
No image provided.


April 18, 2020 • MIT License
The most customizable menu for macOS apps.
Popover screenshot


April 08, 2020 • MIT License
Fully customisable macOS NSPopover drop-in replacement for status bar apps
SwiftPlaygroundsCLI screenshot


February 13, 2020 • MIT License
Easily generate Swift Playgrounds from your command line 👨‍💻