Weekly Roundup

Aaron Brethorst, January 20, 2013

Hi folks, welcome to our weekly roundup! It’s been one of those weeks: we’ve had way too many cool controls posted to the site for me to be able to choose just one to be our control of the week. So, we have two again for you today! Bravo to the authors for their creativity, skill and generosity.

Additionally, this week wasn’t as big in terms of site improvements as last week, but I made one change that should be of great interest: specifically, you can now see the ‘favorite’ count for controls on their pages. Did you know that we have four controls that have over 100 faves? I was blown away, to be honest. Check them out:

I’m sure there are a ton of apps in the App Store that are using each of these controls. Did you write one? Let us know by clicking "I Use This Control" on control pages and your app might be featured as our app of the week.

Speaking of apps, we added a ton of new ones this week. Check it out! We recently added a new area to the site where you can view apps that use controls featured on Cocoa Controls. Learn how the best apps out there implement some of their coolest features and how you can do the same in your own app.


App of the Week: Trevi


Trevi is possibly the most novel photography and travel app I’ve seen on the iPhone. Written by Cocoa Controls reader Ryan Kaminsky (among others), Trevi uses DACircularProgress for the most novel progress UI I’ve ever seen.

Discover your hidden travel memories with Trevi.

Trevi automatically organizes your photos in amazing new ways. Discover your Travel Timeline, City Albums, World Map and share Stunning Postcards.

Just press start and watch the memories unfold.

Learn More

Controls of the Week



MosaicUI is a tiled UI for iOS that automatic layouts according to the elements’ sizes.

MIT licensed.

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An open source iOS UI control that allows you to build a circular menu by laying out buttons in a circle pattern adjusting from the number of buttons (1 ~ 6).

MIT licensed.

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Controls Roundup



UIMenuItem with Image Support. UIMenuItem uses UILabel to display its title, that means we can swizzle -drawTextInRect: to support image.

UIMenuItem+CXAImageSupport is a dirty hack but should be safe in most cases. Contains no any private API.

MIT licensed.

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General purpose validation framework for Objective-C/iOS.

Supports adding validation rules to any keypath on an NSObject.

MIT licensed.

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Arcing tab view controller with toggle animation. Supports 2 to 4 tabs. What’s more, you can swipe left or right to toggle the views.

B.t.w, this control is separated from iPokeMon (a PokéMon game on iOS with Location Based Service), you can take a look at the demo video how cool it is!

MIT licensed.

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Simple and advanced rounded corners without images, perfect for implementing grouped table view cells

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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GIKPopoverBackgroundView is a subclass of UIPopoverBackground view and provides seamless backgrounds for your popovers, inspired by UIKit.

MIT licensed.

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Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.

BSD licensed.

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By default, UIKit’s UILabel provides many limitations, such as unable to customize line height attribute.

This is a simple subclass of UIView which uses CoreText framework to draw text. It’s still a work in progress so use it at your own risk.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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UIImageView category adding suppport for remote images coming from the web asynchronously with caching.

MIT licensed.

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Now there’s no need to navigate to another view for selecting a data item. PDSearchHUD is very handy control used to show a HUD with a searchbar and tableview.

CC BY 3.0 licensed.

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A UILabel subclass with mention/hashtag/link highlighting.

MIT licensed.

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A UISlider Category to display a popover with text above slider. Appears and disappears automatically at the touch, accompanies the slider by dragging.

MIT licensed.

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AKTabBarController is an adaptive and customizable tab bar for iOS.

MIT licensed.

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AmazeKit is an image rendering library for iOS. Its goal is to retain the performance of using .png-formatted images in UIKit classes, while avoiding the chore of creating these images in Photoshop, as well as the extra download size of bundling the images in the app.

Images are rendered according to a collection of “image effects,” ranging from a simple gradient or corner radius to blurs, masks, and inner shadows. AmazeKit also offers convenient UIKit support, automatically using the correct images as your controls change size. Retina displays are supported automatically, and AmazeKit aggressively caches rendered images to maintain optimal performance levels.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Light library to visually check your app images.

AGImageChecker is a lightweight iOS library that helps developers to find problems in their used images. It detects when images are smaller or different sized than their container views, producing resized or blurry images. Wrong images will have a colorfull border that helps you to detect them. Additionally, it adds a long press gesture to open an image detail and check useful information about the problem, such as the image size, the view size, the contentMode, the presence of retina version, the associated view controlller,… All of it out of the box, without changing your code (device and simulator).

BSD licensed.

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A font picking UIPickerView and keyboard manager for iPhone.

MIT licensed.

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Justified View

Justified View

It’s a justified layout view, like what you can find Flickr 2.0 for iOS.

  • Each cell in justified view has been optimized for reuse
  • Smart algorithm to speed up the calculation
  • Supports both iPad and iPhone

I used this justified view in an app named “photolism”(https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photolism/id584688171), so it’s a proven technology.

MIT licensed.

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It’s a small browser render engine for browser, using Core-Text without leverage the UIWebView.

  • It has its own smart HTML parser, who can handle all invalid cases, such as unclosed tags and overlapping tags.
  • Fully supports image layout as well as text formatted layout.
  • Useful callback function for link tapping event and image tapping event.

MIT licensed.

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