Weekly Roundup: Mavericks and Remembering Steve

Aaron Brethorst, October 05, 2013

Hi all, and welcome to our weekly roundup. The second anniversary of Steve Jobs' death was last Saturday, October 5th, a day after OS X Mavericks was declarared GM.

Steve's legacy impacts every one of us very directly every day, and will continue to for years to come.

On a sunnier note, Mavericks was declared GM last week, and Mac developers were able to download it. The new OS brings many long-desired changes to the Mac experience, including tabbed browsing, and a seemingly far less awful web inspector in Safari. The process of building a bootable disk image has changed significantly, but we have a super-easy to use process listed in What We're Reading. Check it out!


What We're Reading

Control of the Week

iOS7 Sampler

iOS7 Sampler

Code examples for the new functions of iOS 7.


  • Smile Detection
  • Dynamic Behaviors
  • Speech Synthesis
  • Custom Transition
  • 3D Map
  • Sprite Kit
  • Image Filters
  • Map Directions
  • Motion Effects (Parallax)
  • Multipeer Connectivity
  • New UIActivities: Airdrop, Post to Flickr / Vimeo, Add to Readinglist
  • QR Code Generator
  • Motion Activity Tracking
  • Static Map Snapshots
  • Safari Reading List

MIT licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



iOS 7 style blurred view controller that appears on top of your view controller.

MIT licensed.

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Vintage News

Vintage News

An iOS app that shows you vintage newspapers from across the United States, retrieved from the Library of Congress.

GPL licensed.

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SECoreTextView is multi-line rich text view library with clickable links, selectable text, embedding images and editing.

More powerful, customizable, and flexible than UITextView.

MIT licensed.

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iOS control that allow picking multiple photos and videos from user's photo library.

MIT licensed.

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This project add/remove tag with image and title inside a tag list view. When user tap on a tag, it's removed from the view. Please see the sample project for more.

MIT licensed.

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Custom alertView which allow you to add view as main content.

MIT licensed.

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UIDynamics Helpers

UIDynamics Helpers

This repository is filled with helper classes for UIDynamics. This currently includes an easy way to create very complicated UICollisionBehavior boundaries via pngs, and a class for tracing UICollisionBehavior boundaries on screen for tetsing purposes

License unspecified.

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An example Text to Speech App. Hark is a text to speech app I built in 3 hours based on the new AVSpeechSynthesizer SDK in iOS 7.

I first learned about this SDK from Mattt Thompson's great NSHipster blog post about iOS 7. This app will be available on the App Store for free and I'm releasing the source as an example for other developers to encourage you to put text to speech in your apps!

License unspecified.

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A replacement class for NSProgressIndicator driven by Core Animation

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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A simple set of classes that allow you to quickly use iOS location services and get the four square venues for a location

MIT licensed.

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An NSLog replacement for coders! Do things to your output console other logging libraries don't allow you to

MIT licensed.

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Simple keyframe animations for scrolling intros.

Jazz Hands is a simple, keyframe based animation framework for UIKit. Animations can be controlled via gestures, scroll views, kvo, or ReactiveCocoa.

Jazz Hands is used extensively in IFTTT for iPhone, most famously in the app intro.

MIT licensed.

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UIButton + Bootstrap 3.0 styles

UIButton + Bootstrap 3.0 styles

Simple UIButton category that adds nice and flat Bootstrap 3.0 button styles.

No subclass, no images. Quartz Core drawing. Highly customizable.


BButton by mattlawer: https://github.com/mattlawer/BButton

FontAwesome-iOS by leberwurstsaft: https://github.com/leberwurstsaft/FontAwesome-for-iOS

MIT licensed.

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A UINavigationController subclass that brings about a more vivid, brighter UINavigationBar.

MIT licensed.

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Drop-in panel control for iOS with blurring background and screen-edge activation gestures.

MIT licensed.

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This control intend to provide an out of the box home view controller with nice user interface animation to create new profile or access existing one.

MIT licensed.

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Pinterest-like scroll-to-fullscreen UI for iOS 5.0+

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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