Weekly Roundup: Other Obsessions

Aaron Brethorst, November 16, 2013

You might not know this about me, but when I'm not slinging Ruby or Objective-C code, I'm almost certain to have a camera in my hands. I try not to obsess about photography gear too much because a) what's behind the viewfinder is more important than what's immediately in front of it, and b) it can get very expensive very quickly. But, I'm certainly not immune to the allure of new stuff. Lately, my obsessions have been proceeding in two rather divergent directions: a new-found appreciation for film, and capturing motion in a still frame.

The second obsession is why I was excited recently to discover a Kickstarter campaign for gear that should make it incredibly easy to trigger your camera in response to external events, like a laser sensor being tripped, a sound above a certain decibel level occurring, or a bright flash appearing. As it happens, the Triggertrap Kickstarter campaign ended Saturday morning (which is the same time when I write these posts), and when I sat down to find an App of the Week, I was delighted to find the Triggertrap iOS app had been added to our list of apps.

The sheer number of open-source components, the rate at which new ones come in, and the unexpected places where these controls get used never ceases to amaze me.

Do your apps use components from Cocoa Controls? You should find the pages for the controls you use, click the Apps tab, and add a link back to your app on the App Store. I love featuring cool apps that make use of the site, and would love feature yours!


p.s. I normally wouldn't engage in this kind of flagrant self-promotion, but I feel like I should share a macro photo I took last week that ended up being the 52nd most popular photo on Flickr the next day. Check it out, along with the setup shot.

What We're Reading

App of the Week


This nifty app connects to your camera by way of a fairly cheap dongle to provide you with a ton of features like timelapse and sound detection exposures.

Trigger your built-in camera or your SLR camera with your iPhone/iPod/iPad, using a whole ton of different triggering modes.

Find out more

Control of the Week



Objective-C iOS / Mac OS X Wrapper to allow easy manipulation of the Open Weather Map API

Access Weather data directly as Objective-C objects with only a few lines of code

Original post: http://jonathanfield.me/objective-c-openweathermap-api-wrapper/

MIT licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



An expanding button menu control.

MIT licensed.

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A simple tableview for static content, optimized for 'About' views.

MIT licensed.

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RAMCollectionViewFlemishBondLayout is a UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying cells in groups (highlighting one of them) with optional header and footer views. Highlighted cell occupy much of the space and the remaining cells occupy space equally.

MIT licensed.

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A simple table view-based modal picker control.

MIT licensed.

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Lightweight slideshow for iOS (ARC only). Support manual or automatic slideshow, with fade and slide transitions.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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It is implementation of view allowing navigation between views like in iOS 7 Weather App.

MIT licensed.

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Vertical breadcrumb navigation menu view.

MIT licensed.

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A lightweight framework which is responsible for the communication between IOS native Objective-C code and Javascript.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Customizable scroll indicator implemented as a category on UIScrollView.

MIT licensed.

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An iOS7 style circular progress view with a stop button.

  • Animated progress display
  • Stop button
  • Respects iOS7 interface tint color
  • Automatically dims the tint color when an alert view or an action sheet is presented
  • iOS6 an iOS7 compatible

MIT licensed.

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SKSlideViewController is an easy to use, slide-to-navigate view controller for ios 6.0 +. It enables you to present a main view controller and an optional, direction-sensitive accessory view controller. It is easy to setup and modify.

MIT licensed.

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An asynchronous workflow library for iOS inspired by the Proactor and Reactor design patterns. It is designed with two concepts in mind, asynchronous and modular.

Doing work asynchronously allows to keep your application responsive. But parallel programming is hard. On iOS, tools like GCD and NSOperation makes it much simpler but, for complex workflows it still takes time and resources to achieve. BkTask allows you to simply run workflows in background and be notified once it is done.

MIT licensed.

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A simple UITabBar with gradients, motivated by CRGradientNavigationBar. Apply gradients vertically or horizontally.

MIT licensed.

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This library provides a lot of methods to get system information. You can check the RAM, the disk space, the active processes, the number of processors, informations about the carrier, the hardware and other info.

The screenshot shows the app ALSystem that is downloadable on the App Store and uses this library.

MIT licensed.

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Easy, customizable notifications displayed on top of the statusbar. Very convenient API for customization. iOS 7 ready!

MIT licensed.

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MZCroppableView is a subclass of UIView that helps in irregular image cropping.

BSD licensed.

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A custom loading animation.

License unspecified.

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A UIScrollView subclass to easily implement an amazing swiping interactive slide show, as IFTTT's.

GIF image

License unspecified.

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provides a custom NSFormatter for values representing a time in seconds with precision 1milli second.

Format: [-]::. Examples: 03:04:17.183 -01:20:59.444

Used in a text field, a value can be inserted in the format of seconds or in the above colon format.

BSD licensed.

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UITextField subclass for ATM-style currency-amount entry.

MIT licensed.

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Get feedback from your iOS users.

MIT licensed.

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iOS TableViewCell component.

Selected cell drops a detail view down.

MIT licensed.

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UIAlertView replacement that can embed custom content views, is fully themable and let's you use a delegate and/or blocks.

BSD licensed.

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Highly customizable calendarView and calendarViewController for iOS

  • Supports iPad and iPhone
  • Supports landscape and portrait orientations
  • Fully localized using NSLocale
  • iOS 5.0+

MIT licensed.

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AppKit "replacement" to replicate the Pro App look

BSD licensed.

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A new dependency injection container for Objective-C. Light-weight, yet powerful, full-featured and super-easy to use.

  • Non-invasive. No macros or XML required - uses powerful Objective-C run-time.

  • No magic strings - hooks into your IDE support enabling refactoring and compile-time checking.

  • Dependencies declared in any order. (The order that makes sense to humans).

  • Allows both dependency injection (injection of classes defined in the DI context) as well as configuration management (values that get converted to the required type at runtime). Because this allows. . .

  • No fragmented qualifier macros, modules, etc. Makes it easy to have multiple configurations of the same base-class or protocol.

  • Application assembly - the wiring of dependencies and configuration management - is all encapsulated in a convenient document. At the same time this document can be grouped into chapters. Now you know where to look if you need to change something.

  • Supports both initializer and property injection. In the case of the latter, it has customizable call-backs to ensure that the class is in the required state before and after properties are set.

  • Lean. It has a very low footprint, so is appropriate for CPU and memory constrained devices.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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A simple date picker with flat design.

MIT licensed.

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