Weekly Roundup: Watches, and Payments, and iPhones, oh my!

Aaron Brethorst, September 13, 2014

In case you missed it, Apple announced three major new products last Tuesday. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, of course, are selling ridiculously well. The Plus is totally sold out for the next month, and most iPhone 6 variants are shipping in "7-10 business days." So, that's great news. I stayed up until about 3:00AM Pacific time Friday night hitting refresh in Safari every 30 seconds until the Apple Store finally came back online, and managed to get exactly what I wanted: a 64GB iPhone 6 in Space Gray on T-Mobile. (In other news, I can't wait to be rid of AT&T.)

It's been rumored for a while that Apple was building a payment service to take advantage of their millions of iTunes credit cards on file, so Apple Pay isn't necessarily a big surprise. Assuming that the demo presented during the keynote is accurate, Apple Pay will, I expect, be incredibly successful. I'm looking forward to not having to use the mangled plastic cards I carry around in my wallet, and I'm all for never giving my credit card number out in stores or restaurants that I patronize. There are too many stories like this one from the neighborhood I live in.

Finally, I think Apple Watch is going to be very successful, assuming that Apple can ensure that the battery is up to snuff. $350 as a starting price for the watches is quite a bit, but I suppose it shouldn't be seen as a huge surprise given the complexity of the device. Of course, the higher end Edition watches will likely cost an order of magnitude more than the low end, but that shouldn't come as a huge surprise. Personally, I'm obsessed with the Milanese loop bracelet, and would pair that with the standard watch in a 38mm case.


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JYGraphViewController is an easy way to graph data in a simple and minimalist style. By default it is presented modally when the device is turned into landscape orientation.

MIT licensed.

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Weekly Roundup



A table view cell remove animation with FBPOP

MIT licensed.

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Onboard provides developers with a quick and easy means to create a beautiful, engaging, and useful onboarding experience with only a few lines of code.

MIT licensed.

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A pathfinding library written in Swift

MIT licensed.

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Fast UILabel subclass that parses # hashtags, @ mentions and links using the TwitterText library.

MIT licensed.

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ARTEmailSwipe is a UIViewController container, which allows you to have one view controller at the bottom, whilst keeping your main navigation separate. This is based on the iOS 8 emails implementation where you can have your new email open at the bottom whilst still viewing all your old emails above it. I also took a lot of inspiration from the JASidePanels project.

MIT licensed.

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Drop-in sticky headers and footers for UICollectionView.

MIT licensed.

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  1. Can set the time zone or choose from a list of time zone
  2. Automatically detects the day or night and changes the background of the clock
  3. Doesn't use NSTimer to schedule the time, so it won't be blocked by any other UI operations.
  4. Swipe to delete the added clock
  5. Displays the name of the timezone and time in digital format
  6. Digital clock to display the name in format: HH:mm:ss
How to use
  1. Import the files SPClockView.h and SPClockView.m into your projects.
  2. After adding the SPClockView into your parent view, set its time zone by calling setTimeZone: method.
  3. Digital clock SPDigitalClock is a subclass of UILabel, and is implemented inside the SPClockView class. To set the digital time also call the method setTimeZone: on SPDigitalClock.
  1. SPClockView

    SPClockView *clockView = [[SPClockView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 140, 140)];
    [clockView setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"EDT"]]; // New York
  2. SPDigitalClock

    SPDigitalClock *digClock = [[SPDigitalClock alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 140, 140)];
    [digClock setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"EDT"]]; // New York

This is a quickly made project so could have few bugs. Feel free to add bug list or contact me at [email protected] or http://www.twitter.com/freesuraj !!

MIT licensed.

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Scrolling navigation controller with slide-up transitions for iOS 7.x. Uses UICollectionView under the hood. Supports vertical slide-up.

Apache 2.0 licensed.

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A magical image view! Once you set a URL, it will be a movie, or an Animated GIF, or an ordinary JPG, PNG, or even it can be an image in ALAssetsLibrary!

Supported types are

  1. .m3u8 for Movie (Streaming)
  2. .gif for Animated GIF (Remote Image)
  3. .png, .jpg for Image (Remote Image)
  4. assets-library:// for ALAsset Image
  5. .webp for WebP Image (Currently not supported)

So following URLs can be shown in same way, with KIChameleonView.

MIT licensed.

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A solution to add a UIImageView in an UITableView (inspired by Tweetbot).

License unspecified.

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iOS UITabBar (controller) inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.

MIT licensed.

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Instagram-style sliding segmented control

MIT licensed.

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Easy to subclass parallax UITableController w/ blurring image header, floating header, and UIScrollView for content

MIT licensed.

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iOS UI controls and formatters for entering money, credit card number and expiry date.

MIT licensed.

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NSWindow with vibrant titlebar

BSD licensed.

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Unlike other similar controls with low performance and lagging with UITableView. MIBadgeButton is badge button with high UITableView/UICollectionView performance. iOS custom button badge designed for iOS 6 & 7

MIT licensed.

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A simple & powerful iOS library for Google & Bing translation APIs.

  • choose Google or Bing translation services
  • full translation with source smart-guessing
  • language detection
  • supported language listing
  • automatic translation caching to prevent unnecessary network calls (and API charges)

MIT licensed.

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Surfboard is a delightful onboarding framework for iOS.

MIT licensed.

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