Search results for previous

UITextField-Navigation screenshot


July 21, 2016 • MIT License
UITextField-Navigation adds next, previous and done buttons to the keyboard for your UITextFields and UITextViews. It allows you to specify a next field either on the Interface Builder or programma...
JMFormDescription screenshot


October 17, 2014 • MIT License
JMFormDescription is an Objective-C library for easily creating and managing complex structured forms.
IQKeyboardManager screenshot


September 02, 2013 • MIT License
IQKeyboardManager is a drop-in universal library which allows you to prevent issues of the keyboard sliding up and covering UITextField/UITextView without needing you to writing any code and much m...
BSKeyboardControls screenshot


January 29, 2012 • MIT License
BSKeyboardControls makes it easy to put previous, next and done buttons above the keyboard in your iPhone or iPad app. BSKeyboardControls is optimized for both iPhone and iPad and therefore fits...