6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

ALCollapsableTableView screenshot


May 08, 2015 • Public Domain License
Expanding/Collapsing TableView Sections
UIView-UpdateAutoLayoutConstraints screenshot


February 23, 2015 • Public Domain License
An easy way to create and update AutoLayout Constraints (Mainly to update Width and Height of UIView)
VisibleFormViewController screenshot


February 17, 2015 • Public Domain License
An extended UIviewController allowing to not hide the content behind the keyboard opened.
NFXPullTab screenshot


February 17, 2015 • Public Domain License
Easy way to select ViewController.
FCUUID screenshot


November 13, 2014 • Public Domain License
iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
No image provided.


November 09, 2014 • Public Domain License
A Parallax TableViewCell like the Dice app Contained within the sample project is a table view which creates 10 cells. Build the app and scroll the table view you will notice the background imag...
DMPasscode screenshot


November 05, 2014 • Public Domain License
Passcode screen with Touch ID support
FCIPAddressGeocoder screenshot


October 18, 2014 • Public Domain License
iOS Geocoder for geocode device IP Address location using GeoIP service(s) and a block-based syntax.
FCCurrentLocationGeocoder screenshot


October 18, 2014 • Public Domain License
iOS Geocoder for forward geocode and reverse geocode user's current location using a block-based syntax. It can also be used to geocode the user's approximate location without asking for permission...
FCFileManager screenshot


October 18, 2014 • Public Domain License
iOS File Manager on top of NSFileManager for simplifying files management.
Easy Timeline screenshot

Easy Timeline

March 07, 2014 • Public Domain License
Sometimes you need things to happen at specific times and things. When it's just an event 2.0 seconds later, a performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is perfect. If it gets a little more comp...
SimpleBarChart screenshot


February 01, 2014 • Public Domain License
A simple animated bar chart class. Uses datasource and delegates similar to UITableView for easy addition of data. Also can set properties to manage time of animation, grid spaces, label fonts and ...
RFRateMe screenshot


January 25, 2014 • Public Domain License
RFRateMe will help you promote your iPhone/iPad app without irritating your users. It's very simple to install, use and configure (If you need to change the default behavior). How To Get Started...
DRPaginatedScrollView screenshot


January 07, 2014 • Public Domain License
Implement a paginated scroll view really easily using blocks. - **Block-driven** pages setup. - **Jump** between pages (with **bouncy effect**). - Automatic **jump** to the next page **by tapp...
UIReferenceLibraryViewController Simple Dictionary Example screenshot

UIReferenceLibraryViewController Simple Dictionary Example

December 22, 2013 • Public Domain License
Dictionary app with UIReferenceLibraryViewController for iOS7
RFShortURL screenshot


December 12, 2013 • Public Domain License
RFShortURL provides free URL redirection service. Turns a long URL into a much shorter one. Service provided by http://tinyurl.com How To Get Started 1. Download RFShortURL 2. <code>#im...
RFFavicon screenshot


December 12, 2013 • Public Domain License
RFFavicon retrieves the relevant favicon for a URL, or returns a default icon should it not be able to find it. How To Get Started =============== 1. Download RFFavicon 2. <code>#import "RF...
MZGraph screenshot


December 10, 2013 • Public Domain License
This is a simple graph. Easy to Implement and Customize.
RFPasswordGenerator screenshot


December 07, 2013 • Public Domain License
I found this (http://neilang.com/entries/how-to-write-a-password-generator/) great article about writing your own Password Generator so I decided to create one. How To Get Started: 1. Drag an...
No image provided.


November 26, 2013 • Public Domain License
Subclass of UIView that enables native iOS 7 blur effect.