Stay in touch
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February 09, 2017 • BSD License
An easy to use interface for picture-in-picture on macOS 10.12 and later
No image provided.
August 20, 2015 • BSD License
LMAlertPopover provides a simple API for showing an NSAlert as Popover (NSPopover).
ARC is currently not supported but it should be easy to convert the project. Alternatively, if your project is...
August 20, 2015 • BSD License
LMComboBox is a subclass of NSComboBox that provides an easy way to access the underlying NSTableViewDelegate, allowing you to make customizations to the drawing of the items in the NSComboBox.
February 26, 2015 • BSD License
`DejalIntervalPicker` is a custom Mac control similar to `NSDatePicker`, but for time intervals or ranges.
- A custom control with an amount or amount range, units, and ste...
February 26, 2015 • BSD License
An abstract data model class that can represent subclasses as dictionary or JSON data for saving to disk or over the network. For both OS X and iOS.
- **DejalObject**: Thi...
February 10, 2015 • BSD License
An implementation of the colour well seen in Pages 5, Numbers 3 and Keynote 6.
Podspec on the way.
February 04, 2015 • BSD License
DejalAppKitCategories is a collection of categories for AppKit on OS X, to add useful methods to classes like NSMenu, NSTableView, NSTextView, and others.
- **NSButton+Dejal**: A text color prop...
February 03, 2015 • BSD License
DejalFoundationCategories is a collection of Foundation-level categories, to add useful methods to classes like NSArray, NSDictionary, NSString, and others. They work on both OS X and iOS.
December 30, 2014 • BSD License
A collection of useful classes for Mac development, including a snazzy preferences window.
December 25, 2014 • BSD License
The WAYTheDarkSide class provides several helper methods to handle OS X Yosemite's new Dark Mode!
December 24, 2014 • BSD License
The WAYSourceListWindow is a NSWindow subclass, which splits the window space vertically into the master view on the left, and the detail view on the right side as known from apps like Reminders or...
No image provided.
December 16, 2014 • BSD License
A custom NSStoryboardSegue to make a nice iOS-like push transition.
December 15, 2014 • BSD License
NSWindow subclass that simplifies Yosemite exclusive features.
November 17, 2014 • BSD License
NSWindow subclass that allows you to set a custom tint color for the titlebar
April 28, 2014 • BSD License
Create custom appearances to customize your app's look with NSAppearance
March 18, 2014 • BSD License
An experiment showing how Finder might look like on the next OSX.