Stay in touch
August 20, 2015 • BSD License
LMComboBox is a subclass of NSComboBox that provides an easy way to access the underlying NSTableViewDelegate, allowing you to make customizations to the drawing of the items in the NSComboBox.
April 14, 2015 • BSD License
ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
April 06, 2015 • BSD License
A simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.
Contains a fully customizable toolbar so you can pick and choose the options you want to support, as well as create your own cu...
April 04, 2015 • BSD License
A drop-in class which can be used to show menu item below/above UIButton. This class adapts appearance of the button for which it is shown, which you can customise, and presents itself with appropr...
April 02, 2015 • BSD License
A category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier. Made by Instagram for the Apple Watch app.
No image provided.
April 01, 2015 • BSD License
Google Directions API SDK for iOS, entirely written in Swift.
Supports all features from the Google Directions API as of March 2015
Other features:
- "open in Google Maps app", both for sp...
iOS Knob Control
March 08, 2015 • BSD License
This is a generic, reusable knob control you can insert into any application. You may provide custom knob images or use the customizable default images. The control animates rotation of the image i...
March 02, 2015 • BSD License
Task reminder app based on iBeacon location detection
This iOS app enables your phone to determine when you enter iBeacon area and when you are leaving it. At any time you enter or leave area, a...
March 01, 2015 • BSD License
iPhone app built using Parse. Enables creating new challenges, nominating friends, posting challenge attempts (image/video), commenting, giving likes, sharing challenges and attempts to challenges....
February 26, 2015 • BSD License
`DejalIntervalPicker` is a custom Mac control similar to `NSDatePicker`, but for time intervals or ranges.
- A custom control with an amount or amount range, units, and ste...
February 26, 2015 • BSD License
An abstract data model class that can represent subclasses as dictionary or JSON data for saving to disk or over the network. For both OS X and iOS.
- **DejalObject**: Thi...
February 23, 2015 • BSD License
A versatile solution for displaying pulse animations as known from Apple Maps.
February 17, 2015 • BSD License
DejalUIKitCategories is a collection of categories for UIKit on iOS, to add useful methods to classes like UIBarButtonItem, UIColor, UIView, and others.
- **UIApplication+Dejal**: Adds methods t...
February 17, 2015 • BSD License
EVCloudKitDao will let you use CloudKit as easy as possible by using reflection for parsing from and to CKRecord and generic methods for handling all actions. As a sample app there is a complete fu...
February 10, 2015 • BSD License
An implementation of the colour well seen in Pages 5, Numbers 3 and Keynote 6.
Podspec on the way.
February 04, 2015 • BSD License
DejalAppKitCategories is a collection of categories for AppKit on OS X, to add useful methods to classes like NSMenu, NSTableView, NSTextView, and others.
- **NSButton+Dejal**: A text color prop...
February 03, 2015 • BSD License
DejalFoundationCategories is a collection of Foundation-level categories, to add useful methods to classes like NSArray, NSDictionary, NSString, and others. They work on both OS X and iOS.